Having a shopping cart icon on the right side of the AppBar on Flutter it’s not that hard, you can use basically a stack widget and inside the stack get IconButton and Positioned widgets. Here is the code and screenshot
Category Archives: Development
Download PDF in Flutter using Java on Android
Learn how to make an Android native call from Flutter Downloading PDF files in the user download directory on Android is a widespread feature, a lot of apps use PDF viewing and downloading features. I hoped that flutter plugins could solve my problem but they didn’t. Fortunately, it was working great on iOS but it …
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How to change the status bar color in Flutter, Android only
Changing the status bar color is very easy in Flutter. There are a few ways to do this. Globally in the main function 2. Globally in the MaterialApp widget in ThemeData 3. AppBar only
While loop in dart flutter
Check for loop here
For loop in dart flutter
Standard for loop. Print i value fives times. Check while loop
Create zip file in dart
Creating a zip file in Dart is not that hard. Though there are not many packages right now to work with, so far we have only two packages which we can use to create zip, tar and others in dart. If you have not installed dart yet please go to my post here. Visit Pub …
Install flutter mac by Homebrew
Flutter is easier to install on any Mac, just install it by Homebrew. It will install both flutter and dart. Check the version of Flutter Check the version of Dart
MySQL and Maria DB connection with Dart language
Connecting to a MySQL or Maria DB server from Dart is very easy. We need just one package. The package we need is ‘mysql1’ which provides a MySQL client library for Dart. This package allows us to establish a connection with a MySQL server and execute queries. Package for MySQL Create your pubspec.yaml and add …
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Hello World in Dart Programming Language
Read here if you haven’t yet install Dart in your system. Install Dart SDK on Mac, Windows and Linux. Download Visual Studio code for your OS. Install Dart plugin in your Visual Studio Editor. Just search Dart on your extensions page. Now run this command on Mac ⌘ + Shift + P and type dart …
Reading CSV file by Dart
Dart Installation Reading CSV files in Dart language is easy. Make sure you have already installed Dart SDK, follow this tutorial if you haven’t Install Dart SDK on Mac, Windows and Linux Plugins For this tutorial, we are going to use the Dart plugin on PHPStorm by JetBrains. To install the plugin on Mac go …